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energy medicine.

Victory brought to you by energy medicine.

Ready to schedule an energy medicine session? Use the calendar below. Otherwise to learn more, click here.

What I do.

I am a doctor of Chinese energetic medicine, also called medical Qigong1 2. This title means I work within the realm of energy medicine. Energy medicine uses heat, light, vibration, sound, and electromagnetic energy to shift the body’s energetic state.

What does that look like?

Energy medicine evens out the imbalance.
Unbalanced body, fixable with energy medicine.

Everyone has a pattern of imbalance in the body. You may feel more tired compared to a few years ago. You might get sick more often than others. You might have lost that zest for life you had. Maybe your focus is impacted or your time isn’t enough anymore.

Where I step in is bringing those out of balance aspects back into balance. Instead of teetering off to one side or the other, both sides of the scale are equal.

Why is that important and why does it matter?

Imagine walking up a hill with rough terrain while holding a gallon jug of water in your left hand and a 5 gallon jug of water in your right hand. How hard do you have to work to stay balanced and even while walking up hill?

Unbalanced? Energy medicine sessions can fix that.
This would be hard to do while unbalanced.

Imagine now you have the same hill to climb, but you only have a gallon of water in each hand. How hard would you have to work to stay balanced then?

Balance makes it easier for the body to function as it needs to on a day to day basis. The less energy is needed for the body to function, the more you have for yourself to enjoy life.

You’ll sleep better, feel more relaxed and have a sense of peace unlike ever before.

peace from energy medicine.
Energy medicine causes peace and tranquility within.

Who is this for? Is it for me?

Anybody and everybody can benefit. Old to young and in between as well as any minor issue or major chronic issue. If you are still unsure, you can always schedule to have an in-depth conversation with me.

What should I expect?

After the consultation and during the scheduled session, a check-in on where you are with your issue is done. We proceed to an energetic session followed by clear instructions on what to do and when to follow up if needed. Typically you will have instructions to follow for a at least a week after to maximize and maintain the effects of the session until the next one.

Serenity, relaxation and clarity are all expected after a session.

Are you ready? To schedule an appointment, click here.

  1. https://www.qigonginstitute.org/category/5/introduction-to-qigong ↩︎
  2. https://www.instituteofintegralqigongandtaichi.org/qigong_tai_chi_research/ ↩︎