Covid-19 Wars part 8 Attack on Covid.

In every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten, then he who continues the attack wins.

Ulysses S. Grant

Muscles and brawn. Bodybuilders. Iron clacking. Blood, sweat and tears. Swear words and grunting. Conquer and defeat. Steroids. This is a bodybuilding battle plan against weakness. Likewise we are implementing a battle plan against illness and infection. Against coronavirus. Against defeat. Expected the unexpected. No steroids needed, we have better tools.

Strategies and game plans win battles. If it rattles their bones, then it batters their souls. This post will cover anything meant to target a virus. Call them virus killers. Use these only when infected. These weapons do not prevent infection, only resolve it. Remember that virus targeting missiles do not prevent wars. Phytochemicals are up first.

Knock him out the bod dude.
Virus targeting missiles can win the war.


Plants have compounds that fight off diseases and herbivores. They are not fortunate like animals. Animals can run away. Plants are stuck in the ground, going no where but up for years and years. As such, plants have defenses to protect them. You would too if you were buried with only your head sticking out. Luckily for us, we can take advantage of these defenses.

Grapefruit. Popular in weight loss or breakfast rings. How does it kill viruses? A compound contained in the pith called naringenin. This compound displays antiviral properties.[2] Grapefruit to the rescue!

Grapefruit is not alone. Other citrus fruits contain a phytochemical that may fight off viruses as well. This is called limonin. It too is located in the pith. Citrus having vitamin C and viral fighting component sounds too good to be true.[1]

There is one problem. Maybe two. First, the pith is bitter. The 2nd problem is chewing the pith is not effective. Phytochemicals are found exclusively in the fiber. This is true of all phytochemicals. Chewing cannot effectively breakdown the fiber unless you chew for hours. A cow will chew grass and regurgitate it for further chewing. Consider that a cow is specialized for this and even then they must chew more! What solution do we have?

The solution is blending. A more powerful blender is needed to do this. A
Vitamix is fine, but the best is a Blendtec. This gets you the most fiber busting capability bang for your buck. A grapefruit with no peel but half the pith goes in the blender. Blend until smooth. Drink.

Another item to consider is garlic pesto. The sulfur thiols in garlic help fight off microbes[3] while garlic itself increases zinc status. Recipe will be at the bottom. How about a sweeter deal than garlic? Manuka honey.[6][7][8] Not the garden variety you find at any store, I’m talking about those that use MGO score. Most use UMF and that can be misleading. Look for honey with an 83 or higher MGO score. For illness, consider at least 300 MGO score.

Lastly mastic gum needs to be studied closely. Moronic acid is the predominant phytochemical in mastic gum. It has shown efficacy against herpes and HIV. [4][5]Enough about plants, time for the major list.

One pill is ok. Two is better. A multitude of up to 5? Smells like victory.
Coronavirus stands no chance when supplements are used in unison.

Virus Targeted Missiles.

These are all weapons for the struggle against coronavirus. Any virus really, but right now coronavirus has gone viral! (terrible pun). All previous steps and options are the main event. These listed are the icing on the cake.

Natural antivirals. Only during illness

Transfer factor.

  • Affects specific immunity.[9][10]
  • Only take during viral infection.

Dose: 3-5 caps of 200 mgs 3 times daily with water away from food.


  • Contains quercetin.
  • Stimulates white blood cells and phagocytes better than echinacea.
  • Can treat fever.

 Preferred form: Tincture or tea, very bitter.

Dose: 20 -30 drops every few hours until symptoms subside. As a tea 25gs in 1 quart boiled for 10-15 mins and enjoy 1 cup 3-4 times a day.

Duration: Short term during acute illness 5-7 days only.

CAUTION: Tea may cause nausea. Do not use if you have liver disease present.


  • Less effective as a tea.
  • Useful for shortening cold, but does not prevent them. [11][12]
  • Increases phagocytosis.

Take manufacturers recommended dose.

Duration: Short term for infections. 3-5days.

CAUTION: Do not use if you have an auto immune disease.


  • Best for minor upper resp infections and flu.

DOSE: 3-5 grams per 1 cup. Boil in water 10-15 mins. 3 cups daily. As a tincture .5-1 teaspoon in water 3-4 times daily during illness.


  • Use the Indian variety over the south American one. South American one may cause gallbladder attacks in some people.
  • Effective as an antiviral.[13]
  • Liver protective.

Preferred form: powder extract.

Dose: 900mgs-2500mgs daily.

Duration: Short term during illness.

Sangre de Dragon

  • Potent antimicrobe.
  • Best for diarrhea.

Preferred form: Tincture or powdered extract.

Dose: 20-30 drops 3 times daily or powder .5 teaspoon in water 1-3 times daily.

St John’s Wort

CAUTION: If you become dizzy, sensitive to sunlight, prone to dry mouth or upset stomach stop taking.

Duration: short term up to a week.

Dose: 300 mgs 3 times daily.


Supportive for during flu or colds, but not necessary. Not for preventing, but can aid in shortening illness. Use if desired. Information is here for completeness.

Echinacea compositum S

Dose: 1 vial 3 times daily.

Engystol N

  • Flu specific.

Take away from food.

Dose:1 tab by mouth 3 times daily, more may be taken if needed.

Gripp heel

  • Take alone or with other meds.

Dose:1 tab every 15 mins


  • Geared towards flu.

Dose: 4-6 tabs or 40 drops an hour


Shows good potential when it comes to shortening the duration of colds.[14]

Dose:3 pellets orally 3 times daily away from food at first signs of symptoms.

NOTE: Recommended dilutions for all Homeopathic substances are 1X or 6X

Other Options.

Olive leaf extract

  • Stimulates immune system.
  • Look for 17-23 percent oleuropein.
  • Use for acute illness.

Take manufacturers recommended dose.

Monolaurin (lauricidin) [15]

  • Great for lipid coated viruses like coronavirus.
  • Lauric acid is found in breast milk and on the skin.
  • Monolaurin is produced normally in the body from lauric acid.

Dose:1800-3000mgs daily.

ALTERNATIVE: 1-4 tablespoons coconut oil a day. (15-60 grams fat)

Only for use during active infections, not prevention.

Herbs are powerful. They smile as well.
An herb removing an attached coronavirus from a cell.

Chinese herbs

If the previous supplements were icing on the cake, these are the sprinkles and toppings on top of the cake. They are not necessary to make a cake, but can complete it. These are recommended for use during illness only.


  • Good for throat and resp infections.
  • Use a formula

Dose: 2 caps or 10-20 drops 3-4 time daily 1-2 weeks


  • Increases phagocytosis and safe for use during the flu
  • Use the formula listed below.


  • little known immune supporter.
  • Designed to combat upper respiratory infections. Sounds like coronavirus.


  • Great for inflammation, swelling, and mucus drainage
  • Standardized 100 mgs works well

Dose: Take what is recommended.


  • Resolves inflammation
  • Very potent anti-microbial

Consider this alternate formulation.


  • Meant to enhance other herbs.
  • Glycyrrhizine is the main component.
  • Powerful antiviral but should be used under supervision especially long term.

CAUTION:Glycyrrhizine can increase swelling and raise blood pressure. Use short term as a tea. 2 weeks is enough.

Herbal formulas

Minor bupleurium decoction

  • Helps clears out pathogens
  • Helps clear stagnant phlegm from lungs.

Dose: 3-4 caps a day three times daily away from food

Duration: 5-10 days.

Qing tai tang

  • Look for a 5:1 concentration.

Following are mostly for treatment. Some have a prevention option. These are a bit harder to find.

Gan Mao tui re chan ji

  • mix in hot water

Dose: 1 package 3-4 times daily if ill. To prevent only 1-2 packages.

Yin qiao (chiao)san

  • stronger version of yin qiao
  • immune stimulating and antiviral.

Dose: 2-3 tabs daily three taimes daily.

Zhong gan ling

  • Mostly for flu like symptoms.

Dose: 4-6 tabs daily three times.

Some of these formulations are harder to find, but are effective. Rememeber less is more. Pick 2-3 supplements from this overall list to use when ill. Sooner is better than later. Do not buy and take all of these. In the next post there will be a most recommended supplement list. There will also be a condensed quick-start guide. A few more interesting tidbits that serve as food for thought. Will be included.


War on COVID-19. Preventing coronavirus victory.

“When you are ignorant of the enemy, but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If you are ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril. If you know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never lose.”

-Sun Tzu The Art of War

This is a multi-part series. Here is part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6,part 7, part 8

Want a quick overview with recommended supplements? If you want to skip to the good stuff, click here for the cream of this series.

Covid-19 in the flesh. A lonely coronavirus lying in wait.
Enemy of the state number 19 coronavirus a.k.a COVID-19

War, a brutal match. Two opposing forces. Blood. Violence. Eradication. This is war. War occurs every day in plain sight or hidden. It wages in you right now. War, a balancing act between two forces keeping each other in check. One rises, the victor, the other overstepped their boundaries, or lowered their guard, the loser. The lore of the body’s war rages in you.  

Illness. Plague. Contagions. Miasma. All names for the same thing. A disease that spreads by sneeze. An invisible enemy we don’t see but feel. We can’t hear but fight. A raging war inside you. Coronavirus a.k.a. COVID-19 has no heart and no cure. Two options are present before you. Learn to use your army while learning to fight COVID-19 or let COVID-19 relish as you perish.

How strong is your army? What do they do and what troops do you have? After all are you not the commander? Do you know the enemy COVID-19? Well enough to take matters into your own hands? Have a plan? By your hands you will safeguard yourself. Purell won’t cut it either.

Immune system

The beginning of it all. This is your army. Your own personal protection against COVID-19. An army that learns and adapts against enemies. Tirelessly watching over your territory and keeping those infringers out. Never expecting thanks or payment. They only want the supplies they need to win. Sever the supply line, good bye blood line. The supply line gives life to those on the frontlines. The immune system does not react, it acts, communicates and stands guard. A brief description of the army entails. Learn well. Be well. Give the enemy hell.

Two types exist. The innate immune system, a general one, and the acquired system, a specialized one. The innate system has several parts, a well-oiled machine. Physical barriers exist to prevent entries. The skin, for example, is a wall with barbed wire. On its surface exists, sweat, oils, and other “traps” to prevent unauthorized entry or unauthorized life. Remember the best defense is a great offense make no expense.

The Innate immune system.

Phagocytes. These are eating cells. Gorging on invaders and chomping on dead cells. They are the clean up crew. Located amongst high traffic areas like a military or police check point. They haul off the bad guys. Natural killer cells. They take out viruses and bacteria mercilessly. Using a substance called interferon, they tear and rip apart diseased cells or viruses. Interferon is like a grenade bombarding baseless bandits and villains.

Other minor supporting roles exist. Cytokines, like radios that communicate to central command, the brain, when something is spotted. Antioxidants, the bullets of the body. They immediately neutralize and take down harmful substances whether alien or not. With this “basic” army how could you lose?

The specific immune system

The adaptive system. Like the Navy Seals of the body. Two heavy hitters take center stage. T-cells and B-cells truly a great team. Working with a complex system called humoral, a.k.a. antibodies.  Antibodies are the ninjas of the immune system. Patrolling in secret. Upon finding their specific target, they ensnare and imprison them to be disposed of by the T-cells. They are specially trained against a specific enemy. They cannot lose. Do the same, you can achieve the same level.

Ancillary systems

One is fever. Fever, although a mild discomfort, plays an important role. Fever starts the response responsible for fighting the invaders. It is a siren signaling the body to prepare for war. Fever plays an important role, do not suppress its function.

 Invaders like to steal from our supply lines. They are after our precious metal, iron. Extra iron is bound by the body so the invaders are unable to use it. If your supplies are kept in a vault, the enemy cannot access it. If the siren known as fever is prevented, this may not occur as quickly or as effectively.

The last is inflammation. A war time rule that opens roads and paths into the area of interest where the enemy is hiding. If the lungs become inflamed, the enemy is there. This pours our soldiers, the white blood cells into the fight more easily. Inflammation brings more blood to that area. That means more tools, weapons, and soldiers.

How the system works

When an invader is found, the patrolling system sends signals (cytokines). Nearby cells are warned and begin to activate their sirens. Central command (the brain) is notified. Fever may take place to start mobilizing troops (natural killer cells) and inflammation occurs to bring more phagocytes (cell eaters) and other soldiers to fight. If the battle wages longer, the Navy Seals (adaptive) take over and start to fight the invaders. The T-cells will destroy invaders while the B-cells begin to make anti bodies to ensnare the enemy so they cannot escape. Best case scenario is complete eradication of the enemy. Antibodies will circulate keeping watch incase that enemy tries to invade again.

A few more key notes. Healthy tissue is never inflamed. Any tissue that remains inflamed is like the boy who cried wolf. The body will ignore it as it’s always there. Do not suppress these responses to the best of your abilities. There is a reason for a runny nose, that is the enemy being dumped out. Help remove them. Do not prevent the dumping of the enemy.

Cortisol is released after a stressful event. Whether it is a virus, a tiger, or your boss cortisol will show its face. Cortisol reduces inflammation in the body. If cortisol is always present, the body tunes it out. The army never eases up on the situation and tensions stay high. Cortisol helps mobilize Phagocytes. If their signal is constantly on, they will eventually ignore it as background noise. This allows inflammation to linger, making a heated situation worse.

Speaking of heated, fever starts the process of fighting off the enemy. A fever that stays under 102 degrees F can be managed at home if no other issues are present. Though uncomfortable, do not stop the fever directly. Take a cool bath if needed but trust the army in you to do their best.

What can disrupt our platoon of soldiers that fight for us? It’s possible that our comfortable lives free of worries have weaken our soldiers.

Where it can go wrong

During times of peace, is when one must be most ready for war. Have we let our guard down? How so? Colds should last no more than a week. In some people, it is 10 days or 2 weeks. Why is it that we are getting more ill? Why are newer and stronger diseases, like COVID-19 showing up? Are they stronger, or are we weaker?

Coronavirus. COVID-19. Many people who have died by this enemy also had other issues present. There was a man who died of this virus at 21. The same day he was found to have had leukemia. With so many invaders attacking from different places, his army was scattered and could not keep up. He passed. For some of us it is inevitable to avoid having such conditions. However, many conditions can and should be avoided. Here is what lowers our guard/immune system.

  1. Malnutrition. A form of starvation. Not eating enough calories or not eating enough micronutrients like vitamins or minerals counts as starvation. The basic building blocks of the battalion A.K.A. the immune system. No ammo, No fighting. Try winning a gun fight with a knife. You can be fat and yet still undernourished. Accept no substitutes, your soldiers deserve the best you can provide. Include high quality food to improve this. More on this later, no questions yet.
  2. Pre-existing chronic conditions. Any illness preoccupying your soldiers weakens your army. Less soldiers are available to fight when a new enemy shows up.
  3. Chronic stress. A child screaming, rush hour, and the news are stressful events. Occasionally, not a problem. Every day and all the time, it breaks you. A constant cacophony of chronic cortisol rising stress. No better than propaganda. It lowers the morale of your army. It forces constant hypervigilance only to lower themselves back to a normal state. One cannot always be on high alert without consequences.
  4. Sleep. This is major, no rest equals an aggravated and inefficient army. Overworked soldiers without adequate rest will collapse. Get some shut eye. Lights out means lights out, not screen time.
  5. Toxins. Poisons of the environment. Remember the immune system is also a cleanup crew. Constant pouring of toxins into you means someone must remove it. Poison is similar to being overwhelmed by more than one enemy. Mutagens cause cell changes, the body will dispose of it. PCBs and other chemicals must be treated. The body will dispose of them. Heavy metals, pesticides, alcohol, and drugs both prescription and illegal. The body will dispose of them. Do not make the army work harder than it needs.
  6. Aging. You cannot fend off this one forever. Death forever stalks us. You can delay its arrival and thus improve the situation but avoid accelerating it at all costs! Accelerated aging is playing into the enemy’s hands.

Part one of Basic training is done. Part two is next. Weapons class comes later. First we must discuss coronavirus in great detail. In learning of COVID-19, we better arm ourselves. Sun Tzu said it best himself. In order to win every battle, know yourself and know the enemy.